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Wednesday 15 August 2012


I don't seem to have enough time these days. Time that is to do nothing!

In my efforts to keep myself busy leaving no time to think or feel sorry for my silly self, I seem to have taken on so much that I'm in a constant state of diary watching. Which day is it and what am I doing today, kind of thing.

Good in many ways in that I've achieved what I wanted - no thinking time. But now I find I haven't got a free weekend until mid November!
And I wanted to get more cycling in before the nights are too dark.
Very busy this week sorting out the ukcps exhibition entries. Sending out emails, notifications, invites, etc. also folding and packing newsletters for posting to all the members.
Trouble with volunteering for things like that is that it has to be fitted in around everything else. Not all of the members realise that all the work done is voluntary and get a little impatient for information.

I need to try and do some drawing or painting too, as I have some exhibitions coming up, but I doubt I'll have the time to do enough new stuff. Will have to dredge up some older work!

Anyway, the result of all the stuff I'm doing is that I'm flipping tired. After the Olympic stint, then headlong into all the other stuff, I have the 26 mile 3 peaks walk on Sunday. Then a trip to jersey next week, then on my return the exhibitions, Shakespeare workshops, choirs, etc etc.

Being tired doesn't help the depression either, so I do find I get a bit more down than I should. But it shouldn't get too bad as I don't have the time to let it.
The only thing is I could really use a hug. In the absence of anybody to hug though, I'll just keep

By the way, I was featured in the company blog this week. Here is a link to it. I think it's a bit soppy now reading it back, but hey ho!

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