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Sunday 30 September 2012

Jeffers the kp...

It turned out to be a really good weekend, the culmination of weeks of planning, the 'last of the summer wine' evening at Rosehill.

I'm very fond of Rosehill theatre on the outskirts of Whitehaven. Unlike the theatre by the lake in Keswick, it struggles to get funding and customers sometimes! Keswick theatre has lottery funding and many well-to-do sponsors who like to have their names on seat and plaques....
Rosehill on the other hand is in the process of trying to get funding. In the meantime, a group of us have been raising funds for a particular Rosehill project, the community Shakespeare project. We  are fortunate to have two lovely ladies from London who travel up to coach us: Bardy, who used to be the principle of RADA and who has recently coached Lenny Henry and Catherine Tate for their Shakespearean debuts. And Jennie, also ex RADA, actress, director and mother-in-law of David Schwimmer. They charge Rosehill a fraction of what they would normally charge for coaching and we are really lucky to have their experience and skill. They make the characters come alive and the direction we get is phenomenal!

Why the fundraising? Well, although many of us have paid towards the coaching, the aim is to make these workshops accessible for everyone, whether they can afford to pay or not. There are so many young actors in the area who are keen and talented, not to mention the adults who find £50 for a weekend just a bit too much.

So we decided to have this event to raise funds. And as its not a charity, the idea was to give people an entertaining evening for their money. They got a 3 course meal, free glass of wine and entertainment all for £15 . Bargain!

We spent ester say preparing the food and what an enjoyable experience it turned out to be. All those hotel jobs I had years ago came into their own and my catering skills returned...
Chopping fruit for the fruit salad, boiling huge pans of new potatoes, great fun.
The guests all had a great time, with entertainment provided by Marianne and her open mic chums. She ended the evening with her favourite medley of wartime classics, which went down quite well.

While some of the team waited on tables, I stayed in the kitchen, washing up and clearing. Nobly assisted by Geoffrey, a lawyer who has never been that close to an industrial dishwasher in his life!
The highlight of the evening for me was showing Jeffers ( as he has now been christened by our RADA friends) how to be a kp, as we used to call kitchen porters.

With young Callum as compere, the evening was a success. Wish I'd had his confidence when I was 17...
We raised about £580, and enjoyed it in the process.

Roll on the next fundraiser :-)


Friday 28 September 2012

A day in the life

It was a long, tiring day yesterday. I went to the PPMA show at the NEC, which is the Packaging machinery manufacturers Association... sounds enthralling I know, but I actually did find it interesting and was on the lookout for some new mixing vessels, along with some packing machines, plus I was on a mission to find out what's new in the world of extrusion technology! Even though it's 2012, a lot of these guys haven't yet got used to the fact that there are women in the engineering world, so I find that even though I address questions directly to them about the machine performance/spec, etc, they direct their answers back at my male assistant. And I'm stood there wondering if they actually want the business or not!

Anyway, that aside, it was a tiring day, mostly because of the 3.5 hour drive down and the 4.5 hour drive back again due to an accident closing the M6.
So I arrived at work this morning at 7.30 still tired after yesterday. Straight into business as usual - I had two contractors on site this morning and both arrived together - sod's law! One came to investigate a problem with our moisture analysis equipment, which has been throwing up an error message that isn't in the manual, so I delegated this guy and talked to the other one, an electrical engineer here to install a new plc in part of the plant, along with an ethernet connection to my office (so I can see what's going on!)

After that, I had the usual 30 or so emails to sort out after a day away, then I had to sit down with another of my staff as she's away for the next 2 weeks and we needed to cover stuff that will come up while she's away. Just finished that and another member of the team came in with a quality problem that happened yesterday; quite a serious one as the product involved is a new one due for launch soon and I expect it to be looking perfect for a launch!  I find out some details and go down to the manufacturing plant to see what happened.

As some of you know, my relationship with the Team leader down there has been a little fragile at times (understatement). When I was quite low, his attitude turned into almost bullying and I just didn't have the strength to fight back.

So I go down this morning and ask what went wrong and his immediate reaction is to snap at me and bang his fist on his desk. Now a sensible person might have handled it differently from me, but when was I sensible? He went on to shout that my staff had passed the fucking colour in the first place, so it was my fault.  I shout back.My staff passed the COLOUR yes, but that is not the issue - it's the finish of the damned item that's wrong and his staff are responsible for that - I have provided standards that they are supposed to use at all times.
He reacts - calling me a f**ing idiot, his staff are laughing at me, he says. I'm a waste of space and the products will be used anyway, because what he says goes and I'm too weak to do anything about it! He is 100 times tougher than me, he yells, smashing his fist down once more to prove it...

This time I bite back. Don't you f**ing swear at me like that. And do not bang the desk.  This product is rejected and if you want to see tough, watch this space and I will show you tough. with that I swan out of his office and immediately send all the faulty product back to him.
And this time I will NOT back down. I told the MD I am making a stand and that this time there is no going back from it. So we will see what happens on Monday...

But the good thing is that I will no longer be bullied by that man. From now on, he will see what tough looks like.

And by the time all that was over, it was nearly time to go home. Luckily we finish at 12 on Fridays, so a nice relaxing walk with Archie was in order for the afternoon.
My conflict has not upset me personally, but I am angry that my staff will now find it hard to do their jobs properly because of his territorial attitude. He's like an un-neutered dog peeing up the walls of his department to prevent any of us entering his territory!

I feel quite good about standing up to him though. The only thing that would have made me feel even better would have been to come home, tell someone I'd had a bit of a bad day and for them to give me a big hug and say "it's OK now, you are home with me!"
Instead, I got nagged about going shopping and spending more money, plus 20 questions about whether I was bad tempered or depressed....

Ah well, nothing's ever perfect! The afternoon was good with Archie and now I am enjoying a nice glass or two of Cote du Rhone and listening to some lovely music.

Peace to you my friends xx

Thursday 20 September 2012

Angry people

Today I witnessed a very angry scene in a car park. Not sure what triggered it, but when I arrived, there were several very, very angry people shouting at each other over what I assumed was a car parking space. I'm talking real, red in the face anger here, the use of obscenities that would make a navvy blush...

I had to watch for a minute or two in complete amazement. Why on earth would anyone get so angry about parking? Unbelievable.

It's not an isolated incident though. There's so much anger everywhere nowadays. Road rage, shopper shouting, it's everywhere. In meetings at work, the anger can be felt - its in the air...

One of my previous counsellors told me once that what I needed was to 'get angry' at the people who had affected me. When I argued that i don't believe anger does any good in any situation, she got a bit angry with me. I needed  to be angry, she said, so that I could see how I'd been treated and stand up and do something about it.   Like what- shout obsceneties and scream at people? Why?

I don't need to get angry to sort  things out. I can achieve more at work than those angry souls who seem to waste so much effort on their fury that they lose sight of the original issue.   Ok, I may be a softie, but nothing will ever persuade me that angers the best policy......

Sunday 16 September 2012

Cars and stuff

Bought a new car today. A red panda. Haven't got it yet cos it's brand new and on the way from Italy. Should be exciting, shouldn't it?

But it's just a car, just something that gets you from A to B.

The advantage of the new version is that the road tax is virtually nothing as its an 'Eco' car. Plus it's cheaper to run - more mpg apparently.

Had a lovely walk today, over walla and along to Ashness. Very quiet now the schools are back, and a nice moody sky, though quite warm. Archie is excellent at walking past sheep now without looking sideways at them. I don't need to put him on lead, he walks calmly by my side until we are past the sheep, then carries on with his sniffing and jumping...

Last weekend of the c-art exhibition too. It hasn't done as well as we hoped. We've all sold some cards, Sarah sold a painting and Angela sold some bits of jewellery, but quiet overall. Don't think I'll do it next year.
Enjoyed the pencil heads gathering this morning, a lovely demo by Shirley on skin and portraits in cp. very good indeed. Busy day all in all.   Hairdresser in the morning, it's all go.  Joy of joys :)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not falling back into depression, just monotony....  Anyway, it is possible to be lonely yet not depressed.

Wish I could upload photos onto this blog on this iPad, but it doesn't like it!
Maybe I should use the pc once in a while, but the iPad is handier....

This has been a garbage blog post, hasnt it?  Just bits of nowt!!!

Enough, already.....

Thursday 13 September 2012

Fun factory

Today I was reminded why I like my job so much. After getting bogged down in environmental management systems for a while, this week I returned to the parts of the job that are satisfying.
Firstly, I did some colour matching, for a special 12 pencils to be launched soon. Then I got a capital request signed off for a new cutting machine, so I've spent a couple of days specifying that with the supplier and sourcing new bushes at the right size for our new sized products.
Then today, there were some problems with a machine in the factory which was giving everyone trouble to fix. Because it was one that I bought in the first place, I was called to have a look. It's a huge machine, a bulk powder dispensing machine; we load ton bags of clay onto it and it dispenses the required quantity into bags, by feeding the powder up a screw feed into a hopper on some load cells. Once the hopper has reached the correct weight, the clay is dropped through a pipe into a bag below....
Anyway, the backlight on the LCD had blown this morning and in the process had tripped the machine, losing the original settings. So I found myself working though the plc program to reinstate the settings. Very satisfying when I got the thing going again, despite getting covered in china clay!
Don't you just love it when a plan comes together?

Weekend again tomorrow and another busy one for me. Lunch out tomorrow, then pencil heads meeting Saturday, along with the continuing c-art exhibition at the pencil museum. That's on Sunday too, then all to dismantle...

The only thing that I don't like at the moment is how dark the mornings are getting when I get up for work. The air smelled of winter today:(.  

Roll on next summer.......


are satisfying.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Cold calling

I usually dislike receiving cold calls from people trying to sell me something, although I'm usually polite to the caller who after all is only doing a job to earn money.
Today I did some cold calling of my own; another new experience for me!  It was on a voluntary basis though, not for cash. Went to Rosehill theatre to try and sell tickets for our fundraising evening in aid of the Shakespeare development at the theatre. It will be a good evening I think, with a three course meal, free glass of wine, entertainment and a raffle, all for £15. Plus me and the others waiting on tables!
But i now know what it's like to be a cold caller. It's not easy to do, but I have to say everyone was very polite to me and it made me glad that I'm never rude to the people that call me!

One of the things I am doing prior to the fundraising dinner is a Shakespeare workshop for a weekend. Looking forward to it immensely after last year's successful show at Rosehill where I recited two sonnets on stage. This time we are basing the workshop on The Tempest, which I'm currently reading. The two coaches from last time are returning, thankfully. They are excellent: Bardy and Jenny (David schwimmer's mother-in-law). They normally coach al actors in London, so its a great opportunity for us to get the same coaching.

Better get back to the tempest, need to have it read and re- read before the workshop....

Sunday 9 September 2012

In control at last...

It's been a good few days. Nice to feel like I am in control of my life again. I say again, but really I mean it's nice to feel in control of my life for the first time ever!

I've been having a bit of a clear out. Packed up loads of clothes and books etc for the charity shop - British heart foundation is my favourite, not only because I know people who have had heart problems, but because they handle donations so well!
Yesterday I loaded the old Volvo with junk from the attic and took it to the council recycling centre. It was only as I took it all out at Flusco tip that I realised what a state the Volvo was in.
It's used principally as a dog vehicle, most of its journeys are spent transporting dogs around the country for the Lakeland Trailhound trust. So the back was covered in dog hair of all kinds, muddy paw prints, sticks, etc. while the front was muddy from boots and littered with rubbish....

So I decided to clean it out. Now did that take a while..... But it was worth it. Looking good!
Which is more than I can say for my nails. A couple of days ago they were beautifully manicured and painted, now they are chipped, broken and filthy!

That's always been one the difficult things in my job. I like being girls, but it's almost impossible to maintain when I am up to my elbows in oil inside a machine, or covered in pigment that gets behind my nails and is impossible to remove!!  A girls engineer/ chemist is just not feasible sometimes.

Talking of being in control, though, I have finally organised a builder to come and sort the rising damp in the living room. Got to keep the value of the house up, you never know.....

So onward and upward. My Sunday lie in is ending soon, and I have lots to do.
Starting with Archie's walk :-)

Thursday 6 September 2012

End or beginning?

Today I saw my lovely counsellor for the last time. We had a really good chat, without the difficult stuff we covered previously. The nice thing is that she left me her contact details and in a few weeks or so I will be able to make contact as just a friend. She will make a great friend- we have a lot in common, so I am looking forward to going for a walk or two and discussing some of the things we both like and enjoy. And listening to her talk for a change, find out about her life...

I am also very grateful to her for the help she has given me over the last year (almost). She helped to understand how I got to be so depressed and why I had such a mammoth 'breakdown' two years ago.
I have finally got rid of some 30 year old demons, plus some 40 year old ghosts and terrors...
The Rape Crisis team are wonderful and the care they have taken with me this year is so marvellous.  I can't thank them enough and one day I will do some work for them to repay the kindness.

The thought of ending the counselling with the wonderful lady was daunting, but not terrifying as it was a few months ago. I'm OK now. I can't say that I have suddenly become happy, but the optimism I used to have about everything is back and I feel in control of my life at last. No longer do I have ridiculous highs and then devasting lows. The ups and downs are still there, but the amplification is much lower.

So the next stage is the antidepressants. Do I go to the doc and try to reduce the dose? I've not been to the doctor for months, just keep getting repeat prescriptions! But am I ready to go it alone without the meds?  I don't know, but I am ready to try quite soon.  I know it's impossible to just stop taking them, because of the hideous experience I had one weekend in London when I forgot to take the tablets with me. I became dizzy, disorientated, and so bleak and low I was almost ready to throw myself off the hotel roof.  Seriously!

anyway, it was the end of an era today, and also the beginning of another. The next one I hope will be    The start of a better phase of my life. At least now I understand who I am and I am happier in my own skin. My destiny is in my own hands; mine alone. No more relying on others, or waiting for permission to let my life begin......

Life begins at 53  for me.  I have had a good week eating wise. No junk, just healthy stuff and less of it! Been walking more and cross training every evening. Who knows, I might even are up that E-harmony subscription that I dabbled with when I was Ill.

Night night xx

Saturday 1 September 2012

Weighty blog

Healthy eating started again today.  I have realised that I've put loads of weight on over the past couple of years.
It would be easy to blame the antidepressants that I take: one of the side effects listed is 'increased appetite'! However, I've been on those pills for almost three years now, so I should have got used to the effects by now.  I'm just eating too much and not exercising enough.

I have gained over one and a half stones, which isn't good. I only realised when I started puffing and panting going up the steeper hills!
It's not that I care what I look like, indeed that doesn't matter a bit, to me or anyone else. No- one to care whether I'm fat or thin.  But I like my walking and if I can't do it so well, it's time to do something about it.

So, no more junk food. Longer walks and more cycling. the only downside is that if I get too healthy I may live longer. Bugger!

Was a long day today. The exhibition was quiet; too much time to think. I prefer to keep busy.
It's so great that the schools go back next week though. I will be able to park my car outside my own house again, will be able to go to the post office without the queue being out of the door. Best of all I will be able to go on my favourite walks without meeting hordes of people in the country lanes!

So the new exercise regime will start with a long walk down Borrowdale next weekend, school- children free!

Anyway, it's 9pm, so I am off to bed. I know hoe to live it up on a Saturday night. :-)

Goodnight my dear friends.