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Wednesday 18 January 2012

Lovely day

I haven't blogged for a while as I've been really busy of late.
But today I decided to take a bit of time and re-establish my enjoyment of blogging. It's a funny thing, but writing words down is quite a new experience for me. But I've discovered I like doing it!

Today was one of those days that are almost perfect - no really!
I woke up feeling particularly good and had a good sing-a-long to my ipod in the car on the way to work.
so when I got to work, I was ready to tackle anything.
During the time I was there, I managed to finish a job that has been difficult and time-consuming. Isn't it great when you finish something like that? Leaving the office with a fabulous sense of satisfaction, I was greeted by them most magnificent sunset over the Irish Sea. We get some good ones on the west coast, but this one was staggering in its beauty!
Why do I never have my camera when I need it?
I did try to capture the light on my phone, but it doesn't do justice to the colours that were changing every few seconds.

Anyway, to add to the wonderful sunset, I drove to pick up my God-daughter from college and gave her a lift home, enjoying our conversation very much. I love the fact the she tells me what's going on in her life - I feel flattered by that actually :)

So I got home feeling good already, to be met by the most beautiful bouquet of flowers that had been delivered this morning from some very dear friends in Jersey.

Then I managed to sort out the iplayer on my Wii that's been refusing to connect to the wireless network!
Did a painting that I'm pretty happy with (for a friend) and decided to chill on the PC for a while. Play a few relaxing games (lexulous, pool and Cityville to be precise!) and write about my great day.

Just one of those days that doesn't fail to make you smile....


I hope if you are reading this you have had a day as good as mine xxx

Tuesday 3 January 2012

I haven't done any blogging for a while.
Maybe it's because I've been quite busy, but I've been enjoying myself lately, so haven't felt inclined to mutter anything!

However, today the weather kept me in the house more than it has of late. When Archie and I took a walk this morning, the wind was terrific and there were several episodes of hail that really hurt my face as it lashed almost vertically towards me. Not pleasant, so we didn't go nearly as far as I'd intended.
Instead I started to do some drawing and painting, which I should really be tackling more often. Byt like writer's block, I've been suffering from a touch of painter's block!
Not that I haven't wanted to draw or paint, just wrestling with subject matter.

I'm trying to veer away from 'ordinary' subjects, many of which I paint frequently. ie landscapes, pet portraits, etc.
I'm dying to takle something more challenging, different and striking.
Watch this space to see if it comes off!

On a slightly different note, I have managed to avoid watching the tripe that poses as TV entertainment over the Christmas holidays. What with walking, writing, painting, reading and entertaining I've successfully managed to miss it all! Hooray  :)

That's all from my musings for today, except that I want to wish those of you may read this a good year ahead. May it bring all you wish for. Peace and happiness to you all.
