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Sunday 10 July 2011

Flora and Fauna

I go for quite  a lot of walks in the Lakes. Sometimes round the lakes, sometimes up the fells, sometimes along the valleys. And most of the time I am looking at the big stuff – the magnificent views from the top of the fells or the reflections on the water. So this time I decided to focus on the little stuff – the things that people don’t notice so much when faced with the large scale views. I turned my attention to the flowers.
Actually, it was supposed to be flower and wildlife, but strangely I didn’t see any animals. There were a few insects, one butterfly (that wouldn’t land), and a couple of birds, but I didn’t manage to get any pictures of them.
So it’s just flora.

I set off through Brundholme woods, where there weren’t many flowers, as the light is limited through the trees. But emerging from the wood, the hedgerows were full of flowers, a wide variety of wildflowers of all colours.
This album show the array of some of them – there were more!

We stopped off at a couple of Archie’s favourite watering holes – he loves to lie in the streams. He won’t swim, but loves to cool down in the water.

I was intending to go up Lattrig, but decided that there wouldn’t be enough flowers up there – and also no waterholes for Archie, so we detoured into Derwetnfolds and then met up with the old railway line path.

We didn’t stay on the line for long though and set off up the bank towards Castlerigg Stone Circle. Before we reached the circle, we took a short cut across the fields to Low Nest – the Stone Circle is too busy in summer. There are loads of cars parked around the field and people just get out to take pictures of the stones and buy ice-cream! To be avoided.
We had  a nice view of high Rigg from the fields

The walk was over 8 miles for me, but Archie must have done double that with all the running about he does!
A lovely day for walking and some beautiful flowers to enjoy. What could be better?