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Friday 16 March 2012

The joy of lambs

Have you ever sat by a field of new-born lambs and just watched them? If you have, then you will know what I am talkin about when I sy that it`s the most joyful thing... my drive to work nowadays is much more enjoyable as its light again. Plus I pass loads of fields full of lambs. And I defy anyone to not smile at the antics of a little bunch of lambs exploring their environment. If you are having a bad day my recommendation is to go for a walk in the country and lean on a fence looking into a fielld of sheep. Wait and watch and you will go home feeling joyful. I guarantee it! on my walk this afternoon I had to stop and watch. they gather together first and then venture further from their mothers as they get just a bit braver. spotting a heap of soil at the far end of the field, they gambolled towards it, the naughtiest leading the way. discovering that they could jump up on this pile and then jump down again, made them so full of excitement that they were almost frantic in their play! jumping on top of each other,sliding down the heap, running back up again - so much fun! finally, exhausted, they all collapsed in a lambly heap on top of the soil pile And slept until their weary mothers started bleating, wondering where their new offspring had got to. waking slowly, the lambs. Decided to have one more quick game of jumping up and down, before skipping joyfully back to their mums across the field for dinner. So gorgeous. those little animals never fail to make me feel full of the joys of spring - along with the birdsong that's everywhere at the minute. In castlehead wood, the woodpeckers are going full pelt. amazingly fast pecking on the trees. I stood and watched one little woodpecker, who actually carried on pecking even though I was there... I'm so lucky to live in a place where I have access to all these wonders. Especially at this time of year, before all the tourists get here and make all that artificial noise. I love it. And I love those lambs...

1 comment:

Ruby said...

By the way - my typing and/ or spelling is not as bad as it looks! I haven't yet worked out how to turn off predictive text on my iPad.....
Need more practice, so will have to find time todo more blogs posts!

Barbara x

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