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Sunday 27 May 2012

Summer weekends....

So here we are with the long awaited sunny summer days finally here.

We all love these fine, warm, long days, don't we?

Feeling happier and brighter along with the sun?

Not me. It's odd, isn't it. I Should be on top of the world, enjoying the outdoors that I love so much....
But, although I've been for a beautiful walk, I can't help feeling sad on days like today.

Weekends are funny for me. But especially when the weather is so glorious....
days for families, hours to be spent in the company of those you love.
I sat on the side of the lake watching couples strolling hand in hand along the shore; families setting up the barbecues for lunch al fresco; groups of friends setting off for a climb up the valley...

Not a day to be alone. A day to share the gorgeous countryside.

Ah well, here I sit in my little garden wondering if I will ever have loved ones to share the summer weekends with. After 53 years I'm kind of tired of my own company. There's only so much of my own company I can enjoy...

Through the week I am out and about every evening, in the company of others. Come the weekend, they all want to be with their loved ones, understandably.

You know, I just don't like weekends any more.

I do sound so sorry for myself, don't I? I'm not really, just realistic. I will go on enjoying summer walks ( and cycles) by myself.
But oh how wonderful it would be to share them with someone....

Better go in now, I think the sun has baked my brain!

What to paint?

Short blog entry. The blog has been missing for a week or two as I decided to quit writing it. But I kind of miss it, so here is a brief one to get me started again. I need to start a painting for the annual coloured pencil society exhibition. If anyone's still reading this, have you any ideas? I seem to be totally lacking in inspiration at the moment. Need something that is unusual ans eye catching. Thank you

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Carefree summers

As a non writer, it's often hard to come up with an idea for a new blog post. Wouldn't it be great to have so many ideas bursting from your brain that you couldn't wait to get them all down on paper? Or in this case screen.
Sometimes I have fleeting ideas while driving or walking, then by the time I get home, clean up, wash the dishes, tidy the house, etc etc they've evaporated..

Hence the lack of posts of late. Creativity just ain't happening. Maybe it's because I'm in a good place again. I seemed to be much more creative when I was depressed. they do say that depression and creativity go together. But all artists and writers can't be depressed, so I just need to train my brain a bit better.

Having said all that, I was playing some music earlier and it took me right back to the most wonderful and carefree summer I've had. the summer of 1980, which I spent working in a guest House on St Mary's in the Isles of Scilly.
A summer of endless sunshine, fun and partying. On the island where no-one locked their doors at night cos there were no thieves - nowhere to run to...
An island that was 3 miles long and two miles wide and we could cycle around the whole thing in a couple of hours; where we'd wander round with no shoes, lie on the beaches, climb the rocks, draw and paint, have barbecues at midnight, drink beer on boats moored in the harbour, party with divers from the mainland. Joy.

The scillies are the most wonderful islands. If ever you get the opportunity to go, please go. I adore those islands. Of course, it wasn't all play - I did have to work to earn my keep! But the Smugglers Ride Guest House was a fun place to work. Early starts, but free afternoons; waiting tables for dinner, then finished for nights out at the local disco or in the many cosy little pubs.

Cleaning rooms every morning, I'd take with me a little yellow radio - awful sound quality, but those wonderful tunes crackling away while I cleaned are the ones that take me right back now.
I can feel, smell and almost experience being in those guest rooms while Kate Bush is belting out Babooshka - one of my favourite songs ever. As soon as I hear even a snippet of that song, I'm right there in a sunny room, happy as anyone can be...

That wee radio played all those fab 80s hits over and over, intersperced with Simon Bates and his love stories....
Sexy eyes, by Dr Hook; Another brick in the wall; Cars, Gary Numan; the Stones emotional rescue;
And one that is playing away in my head right now that I can't bliddy well remember the name of...
da da di di daa;  da da di di dee; da da di di daa; da da di di dee....
wish I could get the name :)